Stylish Sustainability: How Events Can Be Ecological and Elegant

In a world that is constantly evolving, sustainability is no longer just seen as a trend but rather as a commitment. Our considerations for sustainable celebrations have deepened, and we want to inspire you on how weddings and events can be not only stylish but also forward-thinking.

In a time where environmental awareness is steadily growing, we aim to explore together how we can create not only memorable but also eco-friendly events in the event industry.

Our role as environmentally conscious planners obligates us to design unforgettable events not only exquisitely but also as sustainably as possible. This blog article sheds light on the various aspects of sustainable practices in event planning. From choosing environmentally friendly decorations to considering ecological aspects when selecting event venues – we demonstrate that sustainability is achievable in many steps.

Let’s together usher in a new era in the events industry where style and sustainability go hand in hand.



Implementing sustainable practices amidst the often opulent event planning is undoubtedly a challenge. However, instead of shying away from these challenges, we analyze them in detail while simultaneously presenting detailed solutions. Our goal is to develop approaches that enable us to design sustainable weddings and events without compromising on the accustomed luxury.


But sustainability doesn’t end with the event itself. We want to support you not only during the celebration but also afterward in acting sustainably. We show you how you can act responsibly even after the party.

We address the challenges of sustainable disposal and present solutions to reduce and recycle waste. The reuse of event materials, ranging from flower arrangements to decorations, is a key focus.



Sustainable decorations go far beyond being a passing trend – they are a clear statement. Choosing sustainable decor does not in any way imply sacrificing elegance. Discover how we incorporate environmentally friendly materials into our designs, without compromising on the essence of elegance and style.


The search for aesthetically pleasing, environmentally friendly decorations.


Innovative concepts & materials that combine luxury and sustainability.

  • Circular Economy:
    Move away from single-use items and explore the world of the circular economy. Rent not only furniture but also decorations. This includes items such as linen tablecloths and napkins. Ideally, these should be rented from local or regional providers to keep transportation distances short. It also makes sense to rent all necessary decorations from one provider to optimize delivery effort and coordination.

  • Sustainable & Stylish:
  1. Saisonal: Opt for sustainable alternatives such as seasonal flowers or choose plant-based decorations that can be later planted. For instance, we enjoy collaborating with florists who prefer environmentally friendly techniques and avoid traditional floral foam.

  2. Design Concept & Minimalism: Not only choosing seasonal flowers is a big plus, but also embracing minimalism. Nowadays, less is more, and it not only looks beautiful but also aligns with sustainable principles. Elegant, chic, and aesthetically pleasing concepts that require fewer materials are trending and can be seen on Instagram, Pinterest, and other platforms.
    Below are some examples of beautiful concepts where thousands of flowers are not needed to achieve a wow effect.
    Another small tip that we regularly apply both for our couples and for our own events, which also saves money, is the clever reuse of various decoration elements throughout the entire wedding day.
    For example, you can reuse the wedding arch or ceremony decorations. Use them in the afternoon as an impressive backdrop for cutting the wedding cake or simply as a picturesque photo background. Later in the evening, the decoration can be seamlessly integrated, whether it’s during dinner or on the dance floor, adding a continuous aesthetic touch to the event. This practice is not only economical but also gives the entire event a coherent and thoughtful aesthetic. It’s amazing how a few carefully selected decoration elements can create a consistent visual wow effect throughout the day.

  3. After the Wedding: And for those who say, there’s still more to be done, they’re right! What happens to all the flowers after the wedding? Most couples disappear right after the wedding for their honeymoon and/or simply don’t have enough space at home for all the flowers. Discuss with your closest ones beforehand that they should each take something home the day after the wedding.
    Note: Also, discuss in advance with the florist regarding any vases that are usually only rented. Or please inform your loved ones to only take the flowers and not the vases.

  4. And if you’re having a destination wedding and neither of the last two points is an option, you could also look into local donation options for the flowers beforehand. Why not ask your florist or the venue for a recommendation? One thing’s for sure, whoever receives the flowers will be very happy.
    Fun Fact: We’ve even upcycled flowers from a wedding for a subsequent styled shoot before—and it looked beautiful. It’s all about organization 😉

  5. Keepsake: Be sure to keep a small amount of flowers and have them turned into a keepsake, such as a necklace or a picture. There are great providers, like Atelier Nusiy, who can create beautiful pieces from them.


Choosing sustainable event venues is a crucial step towards green events. We take you on a journey to some of the environmentally responsible locations that not only meet aesthetic standards but also actively contribute to environmental protection.


Selecting venues that take ecological responsibility.


Venues with energy-efficient systems, sustainable waste management, and local resources.

  • Distance:
    Choose a venue that is not too far away and where all guests can easily access. Ideally, guests can even arrive using public transportation.
    For a destination wedding where the venue may be farther for everyone, the next point would be very helpful.

  • Shuttle Service:
    Use a large shuttle bus instead of several smaller ones or taxis for your guests, ensuring they all arrive and depart together.

  • Energy-Efficient Systems:
    Select venues with modern, energy-efficient lighting systems and air conditioning.

  • Sustainable Waste Management:
    Implement recycling and waste separation systems to minimize waste.

  • Local Resources:
    Prefer local suppliers and vendors to reduce the ecological impact of transportation.

    By choosing such environmentally responsible venues, you not only contribute to a sustainable event but also create a conscious experience for you and your guests. A green venue is the first step toward a sustainable event experience.

Casa da Praia
Mamula Island pool area
Mamula Island
Schloss Wartegg
Schloss Wartegg



The integration of sustainable catering options that meet culinary standards.


Creative approaches ranging from seasonal & local foods to resource-efficient cooking methods.

  • Seasonal, Local Food:
    From the field directly to the plate – Regionality takes center stage. Choose caterers who use local products to minimize transportation distances. Creatively utilize food leftovers for a later party or donate them to charitable organizations.

  • Zero-Waste Catering:
    Inquire about caterers specializing in zero-waste catering. They not only minimize waste but also use sustainable packaging.

  • Resource-Efficient Cooking Methods:
    Utilize energy-efficient cooking techniques and appliances to minimize the carbon footprint.

  • Conscious Meat Consumption:
    Promote vegetarian and vegan options to reduce the ecological impact of meat consumption.


An outstanding Berlin-based partner whom we can recommend with confidence. Georg and Jana carry out their work with passion and love, which is evident in every collaboration. This is appreciated not only by us but also by the couples and guests. It’s always a pleasure and an experience to work with them. If you’re looking for a caterer who not only offers delicious dishes but also ethical and environmentally friendly practices, Sinnesrausch is the right choice.

„Completely individual and special food concepts with sustainable and trustworthy products, combined with our own high standards of quality, regionality, and sustainability. That’s SinnesRausch! Taste and aesthetics are harmoniously coordinated, making your celebration culinarily unforgettable.“

Let yourself be enchanted by the culinary delights of Sinnesrausch!



The implementation of sustainable practices before, during, and after the event.


Detailed advice, from eco-friendly options to reuse.

  • Avoiding food waste:
    Plan and calculate the required food quantities to avoid excessive waste.
  • Recycling Materials:
    Reuse decorations and other event materials for future events or donate/sell them.
  • Communicating Sustainability from the Start:
    Share your commitment to sustainability in the invitations. Ask guests to refrain from gift wrapping and provide a box for envelopes. Show that even small changes can make a big difference.
  • Gift Ideas with Meaning:
    Recommend sustainable gift ideas, such as personalized plants serving as a reminder of your celebration while enriching the environment. Or, suggest a donation in your name to a cause that matters to you.
  • Sustainable Welcome Bags for Destination Weddings:
    Use reusable bags and fill them with regional and sustainable products. In one of our blog articles, we provide detailed tips for designing welcome bags.
  • Repurposing Jewelry:
    InJewels not only offers unique jewelry where you can purchase your engagement and wedding rings but also strongly emphasizes sustainability, providing excellent and personalized advice. In our INTERVIEW WITH STELLA FROM InJewels, you can learn more about sustainable gold processing.
  • Wedding Website:
    Almost not a trend anymore but an eco-friendly alternative that offers many advantages. By using a wedding website, you no longer need to send extensive invitation cards. Enjoy the following benefits:

    • No limit in text or languages
    • Unlimited updates until the wedding
    • The ability to include links for directions, gifts, etc.
    • Use of many photos or even videos
    • And much more
  • Eco-Friendly Stationery:
    If you don’t want to forgo traditional invitation cards and other stationery, you can turn to eco-conscious providers. One outstanding provider we confidently recommend is mypaperlove from Hamburg. Since its founding in 2017, mypaperlove has been known for its conscious use of resources, collaboration with local partners, use of sustainable materials and production methods, and mindful workflows between the customer and mypaperlove – they are the pioneers of Slow Stationery for a reason.

    „We almost exclusively work with partners who have the same mindset and, therefore, offer products that leave as small an ecological footprint as possible. When it comes to materials, especially paper, this goes beyond the „FSC-certified“ seal and is produced with 100% wind energy – we often use recycled or upcycled materials in various ways, such as paper made from white T-shirts, waste residues, hemp, or straw – and there’s no weird smell, I promise! That’s why it’s just as natural for us to work with regional, preferably local partners when selecting our stationery mates – we don’t like to order from China or a well-known large online retailer, but we are also honest and transparent here, in a few cases, it’s inevitable. But our partner printing company, with whom we have been working very, very, really very happily for many years, is also based in Hamburg – with real people and therefore truly sustainable encounters and agreements at the printing press regarding colors, materials, finishes, etc.!“

    With mypaperlove, you can be sure that your stationery is not only stylish but also environmentally friendly and sustainable.

  • Sustainable Alternatives to Plastic Straws:
    Glass or stainless steel straws are becoming increasingly popular not only in the event industry but also in restaurants and private households. These straws are not only aesthetically pleasing but also help reduce waste. Glass and stainless steel straws are not only durable but also easy to clean and can be reused. The avoidance of disposable plastic straws is a small but significant step towards sustainability. It’s heartening to see that environmentally conscious decisions are gaining more importance in everyday life.
  • Sustainable Considerations for Bride and Groom Outfits:
    Your wedding day is undoubtedly special, and the outfits are no exception. But does „special“ really mean that it’s less unique if someone else, somewhere else, wears the same outfit? The answer often lies in how you personalize the outfit, how you make it your own, with unique accessories and your own style. So, why not consider buying or even renting your outfits second-hand? There are now many services for this.

    1. Sustainable Bridal and Groom’s Outfitters: For those who don’t like second-hand, there are bridal and groom’s outfitters offering clothing made from recycled or sustainable materials. There is a growing number of providers who focus on integrating ethical and environmentally friendly practices into their production. A conscious purchase can make a positive contribution to a more sustainable fashion cycle.
    2. Reuse and Donation: Also, think about how you can reuse your outfits after the wedding. Perhaps you can transform them for everyday use or donate them to organizations collecting wedding dresses and suits for charitable purposes. A sustainable cycle can be created in this way.
    3. Vegan Shoes: And have you ever thought about vegan shoes? Yes, they really exist! Leather production often involves animal cruelty and environmental pollution. Fortunately, there are companies that produce vegan shoes that are not only sustainable but also stylish and comfortable. From elegant shoes to chic sneakers, there are plenty of vegan options for your special day.
  • Sustainable Beauty Choice for Your Wedding:
    When choosing your stylist, you can consciously opt for natural cosmetics – a wonderful way to align your wedding with nature. Here are some reasons why natural cosmetics are an excellent choice:

    1. Free of artificial chemicals: Natural cosmetics rely on natural ingredients and avoid harmful chemicals. This means that you are nourishing your skin with pure, unadulterated substances that are gentle and kind.
    2. Cruelty-free: Another positive aspect is that natural cosmetics are usually cruelty-free. You can be sure that your beauty treatment has not involved the suffering of animals. 
    3. Skin-friendly: Natural ingredients tend to be better tolerated by the skin, especially for sensitive skin. This can help minimize irritation and give you a radiant complexion for your special day.
    4. Environmentally friendly: Natural cosmetics value environmentally friendly production methods and sustainable packaging. So you can ensure that not only your skin but also the environment benefits from your beauty choice.

      By choosing a stylist who uses natural cosmetics, you contribute to making your wedding not only externally radiant but also in line with ethical and ecological values.


  • Sustainable & Ecological Green Honeymoon:
    Your honeymoon should not only be a time of love but also of conscious experiences. In a time when we increasingly perceive the effects of climate change, the question arises of how you can make your honeymoon environmentally friendly and sustainable. 100% sustainability may be a challenge, but striving for it already makes a significant difference. Here are some considerations:
    1. Green Honeymoon with Green Pearls: Check out the provider Green Pearls, specializing in sustainable travel. Green Pearls® Unique Places is a worldwide leader in selecting sustainable places. The hotels are selected based on strict criteria and checked for their sustainable competencies and green projects. So you can be sure that your stay is not only unique but also environmentally friendly.
    2. Sustainable Travel Planning: Making your honeymoon as sustainable as possible requires some research. Make sure to choose accommodations that are committed to environmental protection and social responsibility. Reduce your ecological footprint by opting for local products and sustainable modes of transportation. Green Pearls also offers you a selection of places and accommodations.
    3. Combining Destination Wedding and Green Honeymoon: If you are already traveling abroad for your wedding, it may be worth considering spending the honeymoon right there. This not only saves additional flight emissions but also allows you to enjoy the beauty of the chosen destination for a longer time. 

    Your honeymoon should not only be a retreat for you but also an enrichment for the environment. With conscious decisions, you can explore the world and leave positive traces behind.

Examples of stationery by mypaperlove and jewelry from Nusiy.

5. ENGAGEMENT FOR THE ENVIRONMENT - Together for Clean Waters

Even though the following paragraph is not directly related to the event industry, it is still close to our hearts to advocate for a sustainable and clean environment. We have discovered a new feature on Instagram that allows us to raise awareness of social projects and support them – the donation feature.

One particularly dedicated project deserving of our attention is the Blockblocks Cleanup gGmbH from Düsseldorf. This nonprofit organization actively works to protect water bodies. Through litter collection campaigns, removal of shore pollution, and educational efforts, they aim to raise awareness about plastic pollution and promote more sustainable consumption habits.

Since its founding in 2018, they have carried out numerous activities and transitioned to a nonprofit GmbH in October 2019. In addition to various projects, they conduct lectures that impart crucial facts and connections regarding the proper handling of plastic waste in everyday life. This „warm-up“ for collective cleanups is already taking place in schools, providing a fantastic opportunity to sensitize the youngest generations to environmental protection.

At marrybylen, we support their goals and hope that our clients will also become part of this movement.

Your active participation in this initiative can make a sustainable difference. Together, we can help clean our waters from litter and preserve the environment for future generations. Let’s work together for a clean and sustainable future!

We invite you not only to be readers of this article but active participants on our journey towards sustainable events.

Your contribution, whether it’s choosing sustainable options or participating in donation drives or voluntary support, can make a significant difference.

Let’s explore together how we can not only talk but also take action to create a greener future.

We look forward to accompanying you on your journey to a sustainable celebration!

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