wedding rings


My jewelry brings joy to people" – Stella, InJewels

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InJewels is more than just a unique jewelry brand where you can purchase your engagement and wedding rings. InJewels strongly embodies sustainability, offers excellent and personalized advice, and stands for high quality. We only want to recommend the best to our customers. For this reason, we conducted an interview with the owner, Stella, to give you a closer look at her philosophy, approach, and the concept of sustainability.

Stay tuned for an engaging discussion with intriguing insights into the sustainable jewelry world.

What can our customers expect when they schedule an appointment with you?

Stella: First and foremost, my clients receive a very detailed and specific consultation regarding wedding rings from me. It’s a very personal consultation. And also a very honest one. Consultation is crucial for me because I had the experience of buying a wedding ring myself before I started my training as a goldsmith. After purchasing, I couldn’t wear my wedding ring due to an unfortunate skin reaction. While working at various top jewelers, I noticed that the consultation for wedding rings wasn’t as comprehensive as it should be. Either the expertise was lacking, or the emotional connection was missing because the consultant couldn’t or wouldn’t empathize. Alternatively, the motivation of the salespeople wasn’t high because this type of consultation is extensive, intensive, and requires a lot of effort, whereas selling another product like a watch would bring them more profit in terms of effort versus return. Personally, as a bride, it was a negative experience I didn’t want to subject my own clients to.

It’s advisable to schedule an appointment in advance so we can prepare. We take the time to get to know the person and personality behind our clients to advise them optimally. Clients can take their time looking at all the rings. We have sample rings and finished collection rings, but intentionally not an overwhelming selection. Offering too many choices can confuse clients. Based on their preferences and tastes, I guide clients through the selection process, showing them suitable options. I can also polish or mattify on the spot. After noting everything down, I can then provide a cost estimate.

Ultimately, our goal is to provide a truly honest and professional consultation with personality, and our clients appreciate that.

Madlen: There are many others who offer good quality. Some are also sustainable, and some could offer good advice. However, the combination is rare, but clearly found at InJewels, which Stella tells me is something special for clients in Germany.

I find this quite wonderful and impressive and see many parallels to how we conduct our initial conversations with couples. Every wedding is different, every couple is unique with their own story. The same applies when they choose the rings of their lives.

How exactly does the gold processing work with you?

Stella: I offer two options when customers bring their own gold, for example, from heirlooms. As far as I know, the type we offer is the only one of its kind nationwide in Germany. Probably also because as a jeweler, you don’t really earn much from it. Nevertheless, it’s important for me to offer this option because sustainability and the environment have a high priority. The first option is for customers to bring their own gold, which will then be exactly the gold used in the ring. Other jewelers generally offer this option as well. It’s a great choice if customers have a personal connection to the gold they bring, maybe even with a story behind it. Ideally, customers should bring the gold they want to use to the first appointment so we can assess and evaluate it.

The second option, which is primarily used with us and is unique in Germany, is for customers to have a so-called gold account with us. For this, we melt down the gold and recycle it professionally. Subsequently, our customers receive a detailed analysis and the exact value of the amount of gold available for processing. They then receive the value of the gold as credit on their InJewels pure gold account. This credit is then used as material for the actual rings. However, it’s worth noting that the gold used isn’t exactly the same gold that was melted down; it’s newly minted material. Customers can save a lot of money this way since they don’t have to buy new gold and also significantly contribute to sustainability. Not only because they initiate the recycling process with their gold but also because the global demand for gold, including recycled gold, still isn’t sufficient. Therefore, they contribute a bit to the solution. That’s why it’s so wonderful when their own gold is reused, and nothing new needs to be procured. Moreover, a beautiful new story emerges, and family members might feel even more connected. The emotional experience is almost like a gold rush. Many initially think they don’t own any, then search at home or ask family and then experience wonderful moments.

Madlen: Incredible, that gives me goosebumps just hearing about it. I think it’s fantastic that this option exists. I wish I had old family gold; I would come by tomorrow.

I believe everyone knows the feeling and certainly has something from their childhood with an emotional connection that they keep. Whether it has material value or not. And if it’s really in gold and as an heirloom, it’s such a unique opportunity, maybe even to carry the memory in the form of a new, modern creation daily.

Why is the personal intensive appointment so important to you?

Stella: As mentioned above, it’s preferable to schedule an appointment in advance so that the person conducting the conversation can also prepare for the customer. We are happy to take the time. We want to create an experience for our customers and ensure that they are truly happy all around, rather than it just being another appointment on their wedding agenda that they can check off.

Is there anything else that is particularly special or unique about InJewels?

Stella: Absolutely, and this is something that particularly delights and makes us proud. We are the only ones worldwide who create holistic jewelry. That means we also incorporate a spiritually energetic aspect. In other words, we make high-quality jewelry that is positively charged with various frequencies, enhancing certain qualities, as seen in the „PureLove“ collection. It amplifies physical energies, such as inner strength or the heart chakra. This, in turn, can have a positive impact on relationships.

Madlen: Wow, that sounds amazing. And I think everyone could use more of that, right? Or as Stella likes to say: „My jewelry makes people happy. Not just because it looks beautiful, but also from within.

There’s really nothing more to add. With these beautiful closing words, I sincerely thank you for the interview and the initial insight into InJewels and what lies behind it. I’m sure we will discuss this in more detail soon and take you along into the world of InJewels.

Deutsch: Stella, die Inhaberin von Injewels - nachhaltige Eheringe Englisch: Stella, the owner of Injewels - sustainable wedding rings

I hope that as readers and as a couple, we were able to bring you closer to the topic of wedding rings, especially with a focus on sustainability, and also prepare you a bit for how such a consultation appointment proceeds or should proceed.

Click here for a non-binding consultation, schedule an appointment today.


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